Judit Lantos Ceramics
You make the food
I make the plate
We make the experience


My work focuses specifically on tableware, kitchenware and homeware. I like experimenting with materials and glazes as well as with new techniques.

As my porcelain and stoneware objects are all one of a kind, they can be similar but never totally alike! 

I hope that - through their tiny imperfecions and freedom - these „anti-industrial” objects of mine will bring joy to their future owners.

I work for restaurants as well as for individual customers.


Rózsa street 23.
2000 Szentendre
Hungary - Europe

+36 20 338 57 38



You can order via e-mail as follows:

1. Choose the items you would like.
2. Write me an email marking the objects you have chosen from my website, from my Instagram or from my Facebook.
3. I will answer you via email with all the information about the chosen ceramics: material, size, color, price and shipping costs.

© 2025 - LANTOSJUDIT.hu